I've had a bad habbit of getting
donuts every week for the past 29 years. It's a sweet and
beautiful thing that I look forward to eating once or twice a week. Yesterday I had to go to the
optometrist and when he tested my eyes he asked me about my colesterol. Apparently all the fucking donuts that
I've been eating for the past 29 years have caught up with me. Motherfucker told me that I have
colesterol deposits in my eyes. This is just fucking great as that is the one thing that is
cheap and makes me fucking
happy for about 10 minutes once a week. Now I need to get full time glasses as my
fat fucking colesterol eyes have lost mass visibility. I think it's bullshit and as of right now, I'm eating
3 fucking donuts and enjoying every bit and cranny of that fat fucking delicious treat! I don't give a fuck and now with glasses and able to see clear, there is no stopping me now. The
flood gates are now open!!
I remember cruising with my buddies back in High School and
smoking daks and looking so foward to eating
Dunkin Donuts and large Coke. We would enjoy that shit like the
Holy Grail. Then we would spark again to really
settle down the sugar. Fucking great times which has finally caught up with me. So thanks
Robotman and Thanks
Tibili, both you fucks have now
damaged my eyes.
Sacopapa Out!